
   Welcome to the Mountain Trails Grooming Association website. To see which snowmobile trails are being groomed in the Methow Valley and when, click on the Schedule tab.

*Trail closures in the 2024 - 2025 season*

 Please see the details on the Trails page

Grooming Report January 15th

 Hwy 20

Groomed Hwy 20 today using a Mogul Master.  We were able to get a lot of the moguls out but will be back again on Friday 1/17 to make it even better.  The snow was clumpy and difficult to break up for a really smooth trail but the mogul master did a good job on the moguls.

Taking the ridge out

Mogul Master on Hwy 20

Getting smoother

BR 160 with Mogul Master

12/23 Grooming Report

 Groomed out of Goat Creek SP this morning over Whiteface loop to Black Pine Hut, on to Yellowjacket Pass and Yellowjacket SP.  Snow had an icy crust at lower elevations but was cold and deep up high. Trails groomed out well and are in great condition for sledding.  

12/17 Grooming Report


 We groomed all of the Twisp River area trails.  This includes from Poorman Creek SP to W Buttermilk and from Twisp River SP all of the Twisp River Loop. The road to the Buttermilk Butte is closed due to a washout. There is lots of new snow and the trail groomed out nicely.

12/5 Grooming report

Sweetgrass Butte before grooming
Grooming started from the Eightmile Temporary SP at the intersection of Eightmile Rd and Ortell Creek Rd NF 5220 to Sweetgrass Butte and over Banker Pass to Goat Creek SP. Temps in the valley were 12-17 degrees but on top of Sweetgrass with the inversion temps were higher - 43 degrees.

Silver Star SP:  Hwy 20 was also groomed this afternoon including the loop through Cutthroat. 

The snow was cold and groomed out well but we need more snow!

More pictures from today's grooming:


Banker Pass

Upper end Buck Lake Loop Rd

Intersection of Buck Lake Loop and Ortell Ck Rd NF 5220